Submission and publication procedure

Submission and publication procedure

We invite authors wishing to publish their articles in the « Algerian Journal of Management Sciences (AJMS) » to consult the « Instructions to authors » and « Guide to authors » of the reserved space on the Algerian Scientific Journals Platform:

Authors are invited to submit their article proposal in Word format via

To download the template, please click here.

This can be done by clicking on the article submission section on the right hand side of the journal’s space on the ASJP platform. If authors have a username/password for « (Algerian Journal of Management Sciences (AJMS) »: Go to login Need a username / password? Go to registration. Registration and login are required to submit manuscripts online and to check and track the status of submissions.

The paper organization is the following:

Article Title

The title of the article should consist of at least five words with the case study. The title should precise the case study.

Author Details

  • Full name of all authors of the article.
  • Place of work/study (in full) of all authors of the article, country.
  • Position of all authors of the article.
  • Scientific degree of all authors of the article.
  • Academic rank of all authors of the article.
  • The working address of the corresponding author.
  • The working telephone of the corresponding author.
  • Address for correspondence.
  • Contact number.
  • The contribution of each author in the article ;
  • E-mail of the corresponding author.
  • ORCID of all authors of the article (one can register here:

Type of manuscript: research paper/theoretical paper/review paper.

Research papers are usually original research and provide detailed studies such as a hypothesis (if there was any), literature review, methodology, findings, implications, conclusion, and recommendations.

Theoretical papers present the current knowledge including substantive theoretical findings to a particular topic. Theoretical papers consist of abstract, introduction, theoretical basis, results, discussion and conclusion.

Review papers summarize research on a particular topic without presenting new empirical results. Review articles provide critical and constructive analysis of existing published literature in a field.


The abstract should not be less than 2000 signs. The text must be concise, clear, free of background information and with clear and objective view of the main concepts in the paper. It should not contain results that are not presented and not substantiated in the main text. The abstract should not contain abbreviations and citations. The abstract should specify the purpose of the article, briefly describe the author’s contribution to the solution of the research problem, the scientific novelty and the practical significance of the results obtained, the main conclusions of the research.

The recommended template for writing the abstract. This paper summarizes the arguments and counterarguments within the scientific discussion on the issue…… The main purpose of the research is…. Systematization of the literary sources and approaches for solving the problem….. indicates that……. The relevance of this scientific problem decision is that ……….. Investigation of the topic… in the paper is carried out in the following logical sequence:………. Methodological tools of the research methods were……. years of research…… The object of research is the chosen company (countries, regions, universities, processes …….), because namely they……. The paper presents the results of an empirical analysis ……, which showed that … .. The research empirically confirms and theoretically proves that …… The results of the research can be useful for ….


The keywords are presented in the article to attract interested readers’ attention and simplify searching the manuscript through searchers. The number of keywords (phrases) should be 5, given in alphabetical order.

JEL Classification

Our articles are classified according to the JEL classification codes (this is a system of codes for the topic of publications in economics, developed by the Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) and available on the American Economic Association website. The article should contain at least three and not more than five JEL codes, each of which should consist of three characters (for example, D80, Z19). If the author has difficulties defining the JEL code, he or she can ask for help from the managing editor.

The main text of the paper


The introduction indicates the essence and purpose of the research, formulates the problem in general terms and its connection with other scientific or practical tasks, provides a detailed description of the current state of the problem under study. The purpose of the introduction is to give the reader the complete information about the issue and possible ways of its solution, summarize the relevance of the research, its scientific and practical significance.

Literature Review

This section analyzes research and publications, which starts solving this problem and forms the basis for the study of author/authors. The unresolved issues are distinguished, which denote a part of the general problem in the article.

Methodology and research methods (for research and theoretical papers)

This section gives a brief description of the positive and negative methodological experience and determines the hypotheses that underlie the research, scientific theories, and schools within which this research is carried out. The methodological and empirical restrictions of the investigation continue the scientific provisions.

This section also describes the data collection methods and processing used in the study, the empirical bases of the study. If the article contains the results of sociological research, the organization or persons who conducted it should be noted. Besides, the type of research, the period and the range of the analyzed data, the sampling error, methods of data collection (for example, interviews, observations, experiments, analysis of the content etc.) should also be indicated. If the article contains the results of statistical analysis of data, this section describes the applied methods of data analysis, gives the characteristics of the adequacy and reliability of the obtained results, provides information on the sources of statistical information, databases, etc.

The methodology and methods should be described with sufficient details to allow the reader to verify the study results. If there are any restrictions on the disclosure of any information or access to data, it should be indicated.


This section presents the basic material of the research with the full justification of the received scientific results. The submitted material must be logically linked, clearly stated, and have the appropriate structure (if necessary, each part may have a name). During the presentation of the material, the scientific style should be followed.


The discussion section aims to answer the original questions or hypotheses and interpret the results.  It should discuss the implications of the results for research and practice and highlight the limitations of the study.


This section is a concise summary of the main findings of the study. The appropriate comment should describe the new phenomena and confirmed facts. The conclusions should be logically consistent with the title and purpose of the article, thorough, contain a comparison of the results with the analogues, recommendations for their implementation. It is advisable to give a clear vision of the prospects for further research in this area.

Acknowledgements and Research Funding

In this section, the authors provide information regarding the organization or individual who supports the study. It is also possible to mention other persons who participated in the research (technicians, laboratory assistants, etc.). It is obligatory to indicate the name of the fund, the name and number of the grant (research topic) when referring to the research funding source.
